We Are Here

We are here
to Resist
We are here
to defy convention
to blow up conformity
to eat until we are sick and then work it off tomorrow.

We are here
to Breathe
We are here
to stand firm in our convictions
to not play the game by their rules
to pave the road to our worldview without screaming.

We are here
to Build
We are here
to, one action at a time, betterize
to lead by example
to add just one more drop to the collection of drops that make the ocean.

We are here
to Act
We are here
to not just yell but persuade
to not just speak but to listen
to not be self righteous but to act righteously.


Monkey's Paw Wishes and the Consequences of Want


Online Politics and How It Contributes to a Culture of Exclusion