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Lena Dunham is the Female Version of Brett Kavanaugh

By David Himmel

Lena Dunham is the female version of Brett Kavanaugh. Dunham is saturated in privilege and showers herself in entitlement. She has tried to disguise it as feminism but it’s not. It’s rich, white, East Coast Society privileged entitlement. Simple as that. And white women feminist have turned a blind eye to her bullshit for too long.

Everything she has said and done has been to further her agenda and her agenda alone. So much so that she lied to protect Murray Miller, a writer on her dumb HBO show Girls when he was accused by actor Aurora Perrineau of raping her when she was 17. Dunham might have jumped on the #IBelieveHer train but she never really bought the ticket because it serve her own narrative. That’s bad enough on its own. But Since Dunham can’t ever shut up, she made matters worse when she turned her chance to apologize — not that it would have done any good — into a self-aggrandizing humble brag about how Dunham herself has grown from this massive abuse of poor judgment.

Because of the year sexual assault victims have had, it seems that white women feminists are finally getting on board with how awful Dunham is. I’ve been trying to convince them of this for years, but all attempts have been brushed off as either mansplaining or jealousy because she had a show on HBO and I didn’t. (Such was never the case.) I wasn’t alone in this thinking. Feminists of color never got on board with Dunham because she never gave them any reason to. Dunham’s brand of feminism is the same as Kavanaugh’s kind of justice: promote and cover your ass and the assess of your friends. White. Rich.

But this realization that Dunham lied to protect an alleged rapist appears to be the final straw for the white women feminists. I hope it is, anyway. Because fuck Lena Dunham.

Fuck her entitlement, her privilege, her false altruism, her apologies, her grandstanding, her “bravery” for showing off her naked body on cable television — hey, white women feminists, this was merely for shock value, nothing else, stop fooling yourself — her using some dumb, childish peering into her sister’s vagina to sell books, her elitist hack writing, and especially fuck her lie that probably harmed a young woman’s life in order to protect a white dude.

Lena Dunham is the worst parts of the Patriarchy dressed in a tattooed feminist’s fat suit adorned with tattoos to promote some kind of notion that she’s edgy. She’s not. At all. Edgy doesn’t get printed in the Hollywood Reporter or The New Yorker.

But Lena Dunham does because her white women feminist fanbase has encouraged her behavior. Just the same as the right wing conservatives the white women feminists hate so much have supported the behavior of men like Brett Kavanaugh.