Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 10, 2019
• Valentine’s Day isn’t a dumb holiday. It’s a day of self-help. Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to manage your anxiety, pride, and feelings of loneliness. And according to Brian Sweeney, it’s the best day to eat ass and gargle nut.
Compliments of Brian Sweeney.
• There’s nothing I want more right now than to be drunk and lost in the Baja of California.
• The great thing about making your living as a writer is that you don’t have to make it as a carbon copy corporate finance drone of some kind. The drawback is that you’re so often drained of creative energy to write the things you’d prefer to write to make your living.
• If you’re an adult who uses the term “adulting,” you’re not mature enough to be an adult.
• Even if you agree with all of his policies, even if you think any member of the Democratic Party as POTUS would bring about the end of the Republic, you can’t deny, after listening to the disjointed rantings in the Rose Garden on Friday, that President Trump is demented. There is no structure to his thinking, hardly ever. And after two years of this, how can you deny it? Case in point: Saying he doesn’t “need” to sign an executive order completely decapitates his argument for declaring a state of emergency. Saying that President Trump is of sound mind is like when your dog shits on the floor and you tell us that’s how you set a formal dining table.
• Oftentimes, I’m not sure if I’m the biggest beta male wuss bag or the world’s greatest diplomat.