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I Believe… [Getting Lost is the Road to the New]

By Don Hall

…that if you live and play within the court of public opinion you will surely meet your demise at the behest of people you don’t know and bots with the same bloodlust and vitriol as a pack of rabies-infected three-year olds.

…that finding excuses for Jussie Smollett’s hoax by pointing out other lies told by other people or assigning it as a mental illness is nothing more than finding excuses for believing him in the first place. He duped most of us so admit it and move on.

…that the best way to discover a new city is to put the GPS away, hop in the car, and drive until you are hopelessly lost. You look around and see the corners and turns, the businesses and people, then find your way back. Repeat.

…that coffee beans you ground yourself may not taste better but it feels like it does because you, you know, ground the beans yourself, which is just shy of growing them yourself, right?

…that, like me, you didn’t actually see Green Book but based your opinion on the opinions of other people who didn’t see it but had opinions anyway. On the other hand, Ordinary People beat Raging Bull, Dances with Wolves beat Goodfellas, and Forrest Gump beat The Shawshank Redemption so relax.