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I Believe… [Discarding Mitch is More Important than Slapping Trump]

By Don Hall

…that the directives “Calm down,” “Will you shut up and listen,” and “Check your privilege” are the least effective phrases in modern language.

…that the move to impeach Donald Trump is righteous and deserved, and will cost so much political capital from a fractured and undisciplined Left that it will guarantee a cementing of another four years of this fuckwad. Yes, the top Republicans are hypocrites on levels yet unseen, Trump is a huge piece of shit who obstructed justice, but like the classic Pyrrhic victory, it will destroy our chances to win in 2020 to Judge Judy this fucker.

...that just like privilege is yours whether you admit it or not, PTSD is not something you can self-diagnose, and psychological trauma is a choice not an inevitability.

…that if we truly want to get things moving on things like Medicare For All and the New Green Deal, our priority should be focused on unseating McConnell. The DNC should put every dollar possible into getting rid of that venomous little fuckface.

...that your self-love reversal after losing 100 lbs., crowing about it on Instagram for a year, then gaining it all back, is bullshit.