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I Believe… [Pride Should Be Justified]

By Don Hall

…that if being told to smile is what sets you off on a path to activism and borderline misandry perhaps instead of being a staunch feminist you’re just kind of an angry asshole who doesn’t like to smile.

…that one should demonstrate pride in something accomplished rather than mere existence. Thus, Gay Pride (because of the accomplishments over generations of stigma) and not Straight Pride (because what the fuck did we have to overcome except the lazy task of consistent acceptance?). I mean, I’m straight but I can’t say it’s necessarily anything to be proud of.

…that being “fired” by a cracked out prostitute at 6:00 a.m. when escorting her off the casino floor has its own kind of Vegas charm.

…that when someone has been forced to hide from the world for a while, it is not unreasonable for them to laud and magnify themselves when they finally come out of hiding. The ass-less chaps and strap-on dildo, however, might be a bit over the top…

…that if your response to people you disagree with is to come up with derogatory and insulting slurs to toss at them, you need to understand that are no longer any different from the jag off who slings the words queer, spic, and spook. And that guy just ain’t righteous, you know?