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I Believe… [College Isn't Mandatory]

By Don Hall

...that the secret to the meaning of life is to do the thing. Whatever it is, do it. Then find more things to do and do them. Life is about doing things.

...that the Left needs to stop, take a breath and pick their presidential team now. If it were up to me, it would be a Warren/Harris ticket and the two could steamroll this thing all the way to November of 2020.

...that while I completely agree that college should be tuition-free in the United States, asking for previous student loans to be forgiven is a bit much. College is optional, not mandatory and anyone who signed up for a loan to go knew exactly what they were getting into.

...that change is inevitable and chaos reigns, which is why it is always a good idea to back up your data because your phone could get snagged out of a bathroom stall at anytime.

...that anyone who feels the need to remind you that they are in charge, really smart, or above it all is none of these things.