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Chris Churchill Saves the World | Love Notes

By Chris Churchill

Beware: Mushy stuff ahead. God stuff. Love stuff. This is what I feel.

(Clears throat)

As far as things that matter go…

Love is the only thing that matters.

Love is the point
Everything else is poison.

Love the person in front of you. Now.
Love the person in front of you. Always.

If you claim that someone else has done something that makes you not love them, you're wrong.
You have a choice to love. That is your power.

Love always looks for more excuses to love.

Love your enemy. Yes. I know it's hard. If it was easy, it wouldn't have any effect on you or them.

Love makes you better. Love makes you stronger. Love makes you right. All the time.

If a person is hurting another, you still must love them both.

Loving yourself is loving others. Loving others is loving yourself. Love makes you more you.

If you think your religious text of choice tells you to hate, then either you need a new book or you may have read the words but missed the point. If the point is actually hate, you need another book. Or maybe no book at all for a while. Just try understanding Love.

Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. I've met some eighty-year-olds who are real children. Fear has weakened their ability to love.

I'm not an atheist but I understand why anyone would be.

I'm not an atheist but I play one while in scientific discourse.

I'm not an atheist but I love and have loved many of them. (“Some of my best friends are atheists.”)

I'm not an atheist but I'm glad they get the weekend off, too.

I'm not an atheist but my name is Chris. My mom is Mary. So Mary Chrismas everyone!

I'm not an atheist but that's none of your business. Just as your beliefs are none of mine.

I'm not an atheist but I'll bet God is.

I'm not an atheist but I trust them more than religious zealots.

I'm not an atheist but I'm sure God wouldn't care if I was. Or, to rephrase that, God doesn’t blame anyone for rejecting the rest of humanity’s idea of a paternal God living in a cloud.

I'm not an atheist but I think the Bible's got some good parts and some bad parts.

I'm not an atheist but I don't really think we were made literally in Gods image.

I'm not an atheist but I don't know what God is. But I kind of do.

I may not be a smart man, Jennie. But I know what love is.

Atheists just don’t believe in that wallet-sized photo of God you carry around inside you.

Most atheists I’ve ever met were serving Love more than so-called Christians. That is, just by being honest and loving, worshipping the true nature of Love.

I believe anthropomorphizing what God is, limits God, puts human traits into our understanding of God, and destroys any chance to more deeply commune with God.

I believe in God. I believe in Love. I believe they are the same thing and we are made of it. We can only build with It. That’s why hell is described as separation from God (Love) because fear, rage, anger, greed is an unquenchable, spiritual fire. And we are, primarily, spirit. Once we shed our bodies, and our spirit is all that’s left… meet your true nature. Love or Hate. Peace or Fear.

That is, if you go in for that sort of thing.