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I Believe... [Bisexual Marvel]

...that socially transcending race is a more feasible progressive goal than having perfect racial parity on all metrics.

...that making Starlord from “Guardians of the Galaxy” bisexual presents a conundrum for Chris Pratt: continue to “act” the role or do some method preparation and fellate at least three dudes for some sort of ideological purity?

...that Republicans who refuse to accept Biden as their president are no different from Democrats who refused to accept Trump as theirs. Grow up, gang.

...that one key ingredient to effective remote, work-from-home jobs is to keep as rigid a schedule as you’d have at an onsite job. 

...that the shock that one of your more intelligent friends suddenly reveals his gut belief that Biden stole the election must be balanced with the fact that you are also friends with highly intelligent people who belief in a virgin birth.