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I Believe… [Thanks, Harvey!]

…that two of the absolute best actions when approached by a police officer are to A) answer any queries with “I don’t answer questions” and B) pull out your phone and start recording. They love that shit!

…that all of the Oscar winners who effusively thanked Harvey Weinstein publicly for his contribution to their success will unlikely be visiting him prison. Wonder what they’ll do with the statues?

…that the few who immediately threw Johnny Depp under the #MeToo bus won’t bother to walk back their scathing and open disdain for the man now that we understand that it was he who was abused. #BelieveSomeWomen

…that only second to the pizza carb hangover of the over 50 is the massive bowel clean out from a simple bowl of high fiber cereal. Yes, older tends to be smarter (not always) but the perks of age just keep mounting up, don’t they?

…that after fearing the end of the world in 1999 (Y2K), 2002 (West Nile virus), 2006 (E Coli), 2009 (Swine Flu), 2014 (Ebola), and having experienced both the gasoline crisis in 1976 and the Killer Bees from Africa in high school, I’m simply not falling for anymore of this commercial news-driven bullshit again. Democracy isn’t failing and coronavirus is just a strain of the flu that came out of one of the filthiest places in China.