Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of January 10, 2021

By David Himmel

• At what age should my son be before I tell him that shooting stars are just astronauts burning up on reentry?

• Pizza Hut is the Rudy Giuliani of pizza parlors. There was a time when it was America’s pizza parlor, and now, not even its biggest fans trust it.

• Boredom is the catalyst for creativity. 

• The life hack to being a better person is to wake up every day determined to prove your spouse wrong.

• Genius is available to all of us. But it’s only the gifted who can find, and walk, the fine, nearly invisible line of purpose and unbridled mania. That’s where the good stuff lives.

• Motivation can be elusive. Finding it can often feel like embarking on a snipe hunt. Hunt anyway.


He Served


Three Graces At Beggar's Monument