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Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week oof May 8, 2022

By David Himmel

• My son and I were talking about what he can and wants to be when he grows up. He had a few answers but ultimately, right now, he’s settled on being a “garbage man.” He asked me what I want to be when I grow up. While I am already grown up, I could not answer the question.

• The Road, the Sea, heals all wounds. Unless you’re killed in a car accident or drown.

• Traversing these divided United States (towns, neighborhoods, etc.)—Red vs, Blue—is a lot like making your way through the halls of high school. Enemies lurk around every corner and it’s best to ignore them and get where you’re going fast before the smallminded brutes get a whiff of your fear.

• A day spent in the sun, on the water, with dirty hands is a day well spent, indeed.

• Gotta love how Israel can whack a Palestinian-American journalist and still get to play the role of the victim.

• Arcade Fire is a band that despite their success and veteran status as a rock band, still acts and sounds like high school band virgins who are weird because it’s the only thing that keeps them from getting wedgies after each show.