Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of December 31, 2023

By David Himmel

• Only extremes change things immediately. A new life, a death. Most of the change between those two elements of this Human Experience is an evolution. And evolution is slow. Be patient. Be calm. Be persistent.

• January 1 feels a lot like December 31. And in other hot takes, Thanksgiving celebrates genocide (it doesn’t), and “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is an active rape set to music (it isn’t).

• You know how people were once given their last names based on the job they did? Black from blacksmith, Baker from, well, baking, etc. Lynch is an awkward last name.

• There’s never enough time in the day. Double when you sleep in.

• I was talking to a girl-friend of mine who is actively dating. She’s told me that money has been tight lately. So, you know, for someone who is broke, she sure is going out a lot. Unless… Ohhh… the guy is paying for it. Um… yeah. Fuck the patriarchy?

• When the hardest part is waking up, you probably need more Folgers in your cup. Or an extreme adjustment to your current situation.


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