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Notes from the Post-it Wall | Father’s Day 2024 Edition

By David Himmel

• Despite the stereotype, dads aren’t bumbling idiots. We’re just a bit more unwound compared to moms. That’s not sexist, that’s science. Relax, you’re proving my point.

• When my dad told me I would not truly know love until I had kids of my own, I didn’t believe him. Because I loved my dog Eddie. But, damn, if Dad wasn’t right.

• I’m proud that my boys are already experiencing life with a good sense of humor. It’s the second most important thing I can instill in them right after the importance of being helpful.

• It’s the best when my boys come into my bedroom real early in the morning to snuggle with me in bed. It’s been years since I snuggled with my dad in his bed. I wonder if his heart aches for that? I think I’ll drive over to his house real early one morning and do that. I’m sure it won’t be awkward at all.

• The greatest thing a kid can say to their dad is, “Hey, Dad. Wanna play He-Man with me?”

• My boys are perfect. Their bodies aren’t mangled from age and sun damage. Their minds aren’t tainted with hate or jealousy. Oh, but their feet. Their feet stink something fantastic.