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I Believe… [It’s the Economy, Stupid]

...that the DNC demonstrated that the Left can go with the “All of Us United” messaging that has been so successful for the GOP.

...that motivation, like bathing and eating, is a daily thing. Inspiration, however, is highly overrated and mostly comes from motivation.

...that evolution is more desirable than revolution. It also sticks around longer and not as subject to the next group of revolutionaries.

...that the emphasis on class and labor and muting of identity and social justice is the pivot required for the Left to win elections moving forward.

...that the ever present desire to ’speak your truth’ and ‘tell your stories’ has become a parade of nothing but a flaunting of trauma. This is less about resilience and more like two elderly people trying to one-up each other about whose pain that day is worse except it isn’t as entertaining.