Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of September 8, 2024

By David Himmel

• Truly unique people are rarely well liked.

• With time, bad days can become good ones. That’s the benefit of living through the shit. There’s always joy buried in the darkest of horrific mountains of pain. Keep digging. Or, find new land to survey and conquer. Just don’t kill any natives along the way.

• Memories are fuel.

• Trouble will always find you. When it does, give it hell.

• In an emergency, you want a calm leader to instill trust and help you through the shit to safety. The same applies to the President of the United States. So, even if you think the country is sinking, follow the calm, confident one.

• Get out. Out of your house, out of your head, out of the doom scroll, out of your way. Get out and go get it.


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