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Being Scared is the Dumbest Thing | 2nd Generation

By David Himmel

That dark room is yours, and yours alone.
Its shadows are by your design.
The monster under your bed is just the fears you haven’t felt yet.
Don’t worry about them now.
They’ll find you soon enough.

And when they do, you’ll be ready.
Because you’re brave. Because you’ve conquered fears before.
What’s a few more?

Adorn your walls with the things that make you happy.
The memories, the hopes, the dreams, the goals that get you going each day.
And each day, leap out of bed.
Hit the ground running.
Give that Monster of Fear a run for his money.

Know that you are not alone.
Even in your loneliest moments.
We are here, in your heart, always.
We are rooting for you.
We have your back and we’ll fight every battle with you.
Even the ones you have to go alone.

Because that’s love.
Love is brave.
You, young one, are love, you are brave
You are everything you should be
And more.