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I Believe… [Expanding Empathy]

...that the best emotion I know of in my life is not joy, not happiness, not satisfaction, but gratitude and I’m feeling it in spades right now.

...that the people you encounter whose very existence challenges your worldview are an opportunity to expand rather than contract your empathy and common understanding.

...that we’re all Lt. Dan, smashed into pieces by life, sitting in a hurricane, full of self pity and recrimination, defying god to ‘come at me, bro’ when the only obstacle to getting up off your ass and living is ourselves.

...that time has a way of condensing itself or drawing out depending on your specific situation but that is an illusion we create to feel in control. A day is a day is a day whether you’re in the throes of love or sitting in traffic.

...that when faced with a failed paradigm, one can choose to continue failing or adopt a new paradigm.