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I Believe… [AI Roast]

...that descalation in human interaction starts with dialing down the urgency and reality of terms like “emergency,” “violence,” and “harm.”

...that having ChatGpt roast you is a wonderful window into how potentially full of shit you are. It is a dispassionate revealer of how you appear to the online world and stings while pulling the veil aside.

...that the modern algorithm of attention focuses on our most base commonalities—violence, sex, and food—as if the best we can offer is a hot blonde with a slice of pizza in one hand and an AR-15 in the other. Deep philosophy, accurate history, or moderation in reaction are simply not gonna be on the poster of Americans.

..that when you find yourself unable to sleep try that Zen arrow thing and stop trying to sleep. Get up. Work out. Do some writing. Read a book. Talk a walk at 3:00am. Eventually, you’ll wear yourself out or get into a fight with Tyler Durden.

...that your posssesion of a smartphone camera does not qualify you to call yourself an independent journalist any more than my possession of a scalpel qualifies me to call myself an independent surgeon.