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I Believe... [Joking About "David Cop-a-Feel" is NOT Rapey]

By Don Hall

...that the nation as a whole is behaving like a pack of rabid eighth graders in terms of the 2016 election, unable to come to grips with the fact that some lost, some cheated, and goddamn it, it's all unfair. Relitigating the 2016 election in 2020 is a giant mistake that practically guarantees more of the same GOP horseshit.

...that a good chunk of what we call toxic masculinity is rooted in the indoctrination that there has to be winners and losers. The necessity of being right and someone else being wrong, of establishing dominance over an opponent, is the toxic part of being male. This is not to say that competition is an evil but our inability to lose gracefully is poisonous.

...that when we are awash with a steady flow of information designed to scare us about the dire nature of our dwindling future, is it any wonder everyone has lost any sense of hope? Turn off the noise and eat an apple or something for fuck's sake.

...that coming of age in a time when movies were fairly homophobic and misogynistic isn't a really good excuse for randomly grabbing people's asses but I think we should give president Bush Sr. a pass—no one is contributing to rape culture when making a pun.

...that, while wholly unnecessary and yet another signal that those in Hollywood have lost any sense of originality beyond what will make them some big piles of dough, the cast of the reboot of The Lion King made me so happy I cried a little.