Another School Shooting Homicide/Suicide

By Elizabeth Harper

Such sadness.
Such outrage.
People pray.
(Don't you know
there is no god
and even if there was
he wouldn't save you?)

People talk about gun control
and taking guns away from madmen.
Why not disarm the entire government, military, police?

Instead of blaming guns, why not do away
with schools, employment, money, authority, parenting, prisons,
dress codes, heterosexuality, gender roles, cleanliness, and perfection?

Why is everyone surprised someone is pissed off enough to shoot people?
Honestly, statistically, most of us are pissed off
and fantasizing about killing people every day.
We just jerk off to action films or porn or crime dramas
to distract us and get our vicarious thrills.

Instead of banning guns, why not make pot legal?
Why not stop blatantly disregarding the needs of those who don't fit in,
don't conform to some rigid ideal of usefulness and productivity
and suck the institutional dick or die if you don't like it?

Don't you see that the schools and morality and decency and normality
and media bias and governmental authority and all of it
are killing the majority of us every single fucking day,
and when someone rebels out of desperation,
wants people to pay attention
because violence is all anyone in authority understands,
they are dismissed as a loner, crazy person,
but they are martyrs for us all.


The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – The CDC Issues Warnings About Bullet Season


Take Away Their Money but Change the Narrative, Too