Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 6, 2023
Life’s greatest challenge is finding the middle lane without crossing over into oncoming traffic.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 2, 2023
Good food is like bad relationships: it all eventually turns to shit.
Still Got It
Part of getting older is realizing that you are, in fact, older. And in many cases, we age out of our horned up youth into a relaxed state of domestication. But it’s naturally human to wonder if you still got it. If you’re still an object of interest—not affection—to the people you meet or even pass on the street or at Target on Sunday mornings.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 7, 2022
My backyard is home to very depressed worms. I keep finding sun-dried worm corpses on my walkway. And not even after a hard rain—as they might be flooded to the topsoil. It’s like they just have had enough of being a worm living underground and wriggle to the surface for that long-elusive moment of warmth before being cooked to death.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 24, 2019
Personalities can be awful when there’s more than one in a room.
The Missed Opportunity to Die Young
I’ve missed the opportunity to die young, and as a result, I’ll have to spend the rest of my life working really, really hard to be successful and to leave a mark.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.