Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of April 30, 2023
“AI expert” is a 2023 phrase that gives me the same feeling as “Social media expert” in 2009. As new as it is and as fast as it’s changing, how can you consider yourself or anyone else an expert? We should be mindful of the foreboding foreshadowing in front of us.
Adventures from the Orlando International Airport
If what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (it doesn’t) then what happens in Orlando haunts you for months.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of April 9, 2023
Justice Clarence Thomas is exactly the guy today he was in 1991. An angry, entitled, hateful prick with little regard for rules that impact him.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 5, 2023
Florida is America’s limp penis, and it is in dire need of receiving a botched circumcision.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of April 17, 2022
One day, Paul McCartney will be dead and that’s a fact I can’t wrap my head around.
What Else Can We Name After President Donald J. Trump?
The President Trump Offical Presidential Library (just a kiosk between sunglasses and smartphone covers at a dying mall in southern Florida)
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Visit Florida, Man!
Florida: The World’s Largest Drive-Thru Zoo. Next!
It's Cool to Walk Out of School
Today's ENOUGH National School Walkout is set to be one our country's most historical, nuanced and, hopefully, most effective protests. It's always been the youth who are first to take to the streets but they've never been this young before.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.