Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of April 16, 2023
My happy place is a funeral. Puts things in perspective. At least I don’t have to dig a big hole in the rain.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Daddy’s Girl
Your court-ordered honesty is appreciated.
Feeling Low? Visit a Bookstore or Attend a Funeral
The bookstore is a perfect rescue vessel because it gets me out of the house, puts me face-to-face with the common unwashed I have managed to loathe almost as much as I’d been loathing myself, and doesn’t lead me to further self-destruction through vices of solitude like having a drink or seventeen at a corner tavern. Once there, my regret and hope squirt out of my pores like a well-hardened blackhead from my nose. And for me, when my regret and hope get together, that’s when solutions, inspiration, and energy are made.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.