When Reality Punches Ideology, We Must Embrace the Flaws in Our Perspective
It’s hard to square the whitewash of white supremacy when so many non-white voters reject the basic premise. When millions of voters who are not white vote for the obvious racist candidate there has to be a more nuanced and data-driven rationale. If the Progressive Left can say with a straight face that Biden won because of black votes or black women votes or Indigenous votes then they must accept that Trump came far closer than expected because of black votes or Latino votes or Muslim votes.
Like Paint Thinner on Canvas: Painting the Fear Away
I share a collective sense of powerlessness with the general population when it comes to changing the world. Of course, I’m no genius and have no real answers for what ails our lives, but when true pioneers come along humanity has a long history of destroying their progress. These pioneers are artists that were trying to paint better futures for us.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.