There Are FOUR Lights, Douchebag!
Like Madred, Trump simply keeps repeating his completely unfounded conclusions as fact over and over. I wonder if Rattensperger at some point in the conversation started to believe that maybe there were five lights. I wonder how tempting it would be to cave in just to get the man to stop talking.
One Day: Repeating One of Our Nation's Biggest Atrocities
In a place where the land is hot, and dry, and spends all the daylight hours baking in a sun that feels two inches away, there’s a large building full of young boys. The place was once a shopping center, a big gray building made of stone. Surrounding it is a tall chain link fence topped with barbed wire. Like a prison, but it’s not.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.