Dove Needs to Clean Up Its Act if it Hopes to Survive the Identity War
The idiom, “You can’t please everyone all the time” no longer holds water. Today, when it comes to product marketing, if you don’t please everyone all the time, you’re going to upset enough people so much that their digital pitchforks and torches can destroy your brand in an afternoon.
What’s the solution? The death of targeted marketing, maybe. If I were the director of copy, I’d suggest the following: “You know that bath time is precious.” Don’t specifically identify anyone other than the buyer, whomever and whatever that may be. It’s just as accurate.
Now Available: Troll to Learn™ for All Your Internet Needs
Let TROLL TO LEARN™ remind you:
Antagonistic language is your tool, but be smart: Let the Trollee utter the profanities first. Be prepared to see the dark side of the Trollee you only assumed might be there. It has many shapes.
The Pepsi Challenge: Humanize Kendall Jenner?
The Internet, if we are to treat it as one entity, is a hyper-sensitive teenager that should be paying attention to its studies instead of getting pissed that mom's meatball spaghetti wasn't organically sourced.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.