The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Trump 2026
Mike Pence had a breakdown last year and moved to Key West and does drag shows under the name Ernest SOHeminGAY!
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Be Bester
Make Children Great Again!
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Covington Catholic High School
Covington Catholic High School’s attempts at Diversity Outreach have been grossly misinterpreted by the media.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - The Ottawa County Senior Community Center Forth of July Celebration
Well, we’re about to open the doors and let people in. I’m in charge of checking IDs and making sure everyone is from Ottawa County and a US citizen. If you ain’t from here, you’re not welcome. At The Ottawa County Senior Community Center, we’re all about the red, white and blue flag. This is America. Not Russia.
Historical Ignorance and the Slow March to a Great (Fascist) America
We’ve seen all of this before. It begins with a grievance.
We’re marching along toward our inevitable fascist, totalitarian end. And we’re marching either because we’re lying to ourselves that it’s OK or we’re too stupid to know better. I’m betting it’s the latter. Because Americans aren’t stupid. Americans are mighty and supreme. Americans are pure and good. That is, until we’re not.
And perhaps we never were. Look at history. We were never that New Colossus.
This is not hyperbole. This is history.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.