The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | President’s Council on Fitness New Guidelines
He’s the busiest president ever – he does a lot of golfing, standing at podiums, shifting in his seat, tweeting.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Trump vs Weather
Ka-blooey! No more hurricane. It’s science.
The Minutes of our Last Meeting – Happy Memorial Day, Japan!
The ONLY justification for President Trump telling Japanese soldiers “Happy Memorial Day” is if he is flipping them the bird just before dropping another nuke on Tokyo.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 7, 2018
The only thing stranger than Kanye West’s meeting with President Trump in the Oval Office is that one time Sammy Davis Jr. blew President Nixon in the Lincoln Bedroom.
One Day: Repeating One of Our Nation's Biggest Atrocities
In a place where the land is hot, and dry, and spends all the daylight hours baking in a sun that feels two inches away, there’s a large building full of young boys. The place was once a shopping center, a big gray building made of stone. Surrounding it is a tall chain link fence topped with barbed wire. Like a prison, but it’s not.
Life After Hate
It starts as acceptance for someone who has felt alone and has never felt part of something greater than themselves. Someone who’s never felt a part of their family, their school community, society at large, well this is a person at their most vulnerable. And there are a great many individuals out there that feel this way right now as you are reading this. Acceptance into a group, no matter how hateful or backwards their ideologies may seem, is still being accepted. And if it’s for the first time, the euphoria is as powerful as any drug and ten times more addictive.
Don't Be A Biff
Regardless of what the actual reality is, all generations need to see the error in thinking this way and speak up to people that express sentiments such as these. Break the mold. Change the future. Create examples of compassion and kindness for younger generations, who may then escape unmarred by such outdated thinking.
A Dark Prediction
I predict that President Trump is going to continue to meet his campaign promises swiftly and with(out) malice. And once he's done everything he said he would do, he'll resign.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.