I Often Wonder
A year prior to my acquaintance with E, I had fallen in love with a girl whom I will refer to as J. She was a goddess and the first woman in our school to develop breasts–the primary source of my friends’ envy when I eventually began dating her.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of June 16, 2019
I would take the innocence and ignorance of youth over the guilt and wisdom of old age.
The Haunting Regret Can Become Gratitude
For years after AMDA, I struggled to accept my decision. I had turned my back on a city that I loved, people that I had formed a beautiful bond with, and a dream I had nurtured throughout my childhood. Surrounded by the Midwest and all that entails, I saw beauty in nothing, and no matter what I took into my body I never felt fulfilled.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.