Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 20, 2023
I should've been a plumber. At least then being covered in shit feels productive.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of March 26, 2023
Why does the media keep referring to Stormy Daniels as “porn star” or “adult film actress Stormy Daniels?” We know. And her job has nothing to do with the charges against Trump. It feels shameful. And it’s strange. Perverted, even. Anything to make a story more salacious. It’s also embarrassing.
Born Angry
Some family stories get repeated over and over, become the stuff of legends. One such story is about when my mother was pregnant with me, and, from inside the womb, I was kicking so hard that I kicked the newspaper she was reading off her lap. Writing this now, I wonder if it was possible that the news was making me mad even then.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.