Recognizing the Smell of Cat Piss When You Live in a Zoo
The biggest issue with cats is that they are feral creatures who shit and piss in a box inside your home. One cat and the smell is noticeable but still manageable. Three cats? Not so manageable. Five cats? You stop smelling the horror and get used to it.
Uncertainty of Purpose in 2020 Las Vegas
The world at this point has been in pandemic for 205 days with 215,000 Americans dead from the virus. This is over 1,000 COVID deaths per day. This is just slightly worse than if two fully-loaded 747’s crashed into the sea or a mountain every day for 205 days.
Encountering the Unicorn and Being Baffled By It
My mouth, known internationally as an unfiltered spew of whatever is in my head, wants to pop off with “WHAT?! Are you fucking STUPID? Trump is a menace. A monster! How can you, a young black man, POSSIBLY BE AGAINST BLACK LIVES MATTERING?”
Finding What Really Matters When It All Shifts for the Worse
The Vegas mid-day sky is strangely dark and slightly orange. The sun, ordinarily a blazing hot laser that has this amazing hostility in the desert, is muted. I can stare right at it and see it’s perfect circle. It is the stuff of a Ridley Scott dystopia.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.