The Pursuit of Happiness in a FunEmployment World (REDUX)
The pursuit of happiness is inextricably wrapped up in the inevitable that sometimes you will fail in your pursuit. The pursuit of happiness often comes with great sadness and obstacles you encounter trying to attain your dream.
Working on #5-7: Compassion is a Gift not a Transaction
You receive compassion by demonstrating it. That’s it. That’s the only way.
The Pursuit of Happiness in a FunEmployment World
The pursuit of happiness is inextricably wrapped up in the inevitable that sometimes you will fail in your pursuit. The pursuit of happiness often comes with great sadness and obstacles you encounter trying to attain your dream. But as Americans, we are at least given the hope that we can pursue something resembling happiness. It is so engrained in the fabric of our country that we mostly take for granted our freedom to make these choices.
Don't Go Changing Yourself for Someone Else... Even If You're Lonely
It's better to be alone than with someone who demands that you change your essential self to meet their standards.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.