Americans LOVE Their Larger than Life Outlaws which is why Trump is Our Bruce Wayne
Take the billionaire who pretends to be one thing through lies and subterfuge and then breaks a list of laws to combat what he sees as crime and corruption. We love that guy. He’s a hero, right?
Who doesn’t love Batman?
The Rise of the Ubiquitous Cult Of Personalities: Lil Tay is the Rule Rather Than the Exception
Arguably, our anserine president is only in the Oval because of his cult of personality and that is the harshest truth to swallow. So many in the world are celebrating their mediocrity, placing the highest of values on the least amount of skill or craft, seeking fame and notoriety for just being themselves, that we elected exactly who they strive to be and the irony of that fact is completely lost on them.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.