Punishing the 98% to Control the 2% Always Ends Badly
Humans crave freedom and yet also demand security. These two impulses co-exist contention-free most of the time but friction builds up over time and we almost always reduce our freedom for security.
If Trump Is Not Your President, Try Not Acting Like Him
The sudden scorched earth viciousness of doing everything instantly to destroy someone you disagree with is almost comical if it weren't so stunted and counterproductive. But it works for Trump, so why not, right? Or maybe it doesn't work in the long run as we can see four months into his reign.
The Power Contract: Redefining Reaction
“I have no power over you that you don’t give me, and you have no power over me that I don’t give you. …” – Vi Hart
A Montessori education is child-led and parents shamed. And judging by the classroom toys and décor, it’s an education opposed to color and joy.