She’s Not My Type, but She’s Totally My Type
She probably has a twenty-something daughter. Her daughter is stupid hot. A spitting image of mom twenty years ago. She was a teen mom. Divorced. Never remarried. Has had the same boyfriend for fifteen years. He’s a UPS driver or a dock worker. She can change a tire but can’t tie a tie. She definitely snuck backstage and blew the Puddle of Mud frontman. She got a butterfly tattoo a week after her dad died because, “life’s transitions.” She loves Adam Sandler films and the poetry of Mary Oliver.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | It’s a Date! I Think. Maybe.
He sees a Luke Skywalker figurine on the shelf behind him and he moves it to the floor.
Group…oh come on!
Sean and Ellen met on Bumble. Their first date was a standard drink at a bar in Roscoe Village. The date lasted three hours and the conversation flowed well.
Their second date was for dinner. The night went well but then, the bill came.
I Want to Be the Core Holding in Your Hedge Fund of Pussy
You date like you're running a hedge fund, always keeping some women on the side just in case your current main squeeze doesn't work out, is busy or out of town, or pisses you off…
Illiterate Mother
As her heritage suggests, she was a strict mother during my teen years. Like a ninja figuring out a booby trap, I had to figure out how to navigate her stringent parental skills. My abilities peaked when it came to dating.
Being the crappy person in the relationship
Dating the wrong person can bring out the worst in anyone. For me, this person's name was Jerry. And my crappy behavior is 100 percent my fault. He was nothing short of a gentleman. Which is probably why I had such a distaste for him.
Don't Give Me a Hard Time About Condoms and Other Pickup One-Night Stand Caveats
There are certain things you shouldn't do without asking first or negotiating beforehand. And you shouldn't get all pissy if you're denied. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- pissing on my face
- ass to vagina or ass to mouth
- verbal abuse (Though the usual dirty talk is okay and even preferred)
- anything that breaks or significantly marks the skin (Although, I get a kick out of having to cover hickeys with concealer before I go to work the next day. Makes me feel like a teenager.)
The Unexpected Third Wheel Experience
I always thought relationships were just nuisances. My first boyfriend was annoying. My second boyfriend was even more annoying.
My third boyfriend was — wait — this was something real. His name was Mike.
Sex, Lies & Improvisers
We were in a full blown relationship for almost a year. After his basic training his personality shifted and he started showing his true colors: a narcissistic, insecure, chauvinist. I ignored it. I held on to the beginning of our relationship, when we were obsessed with each other, having sex non stop, taking exotic vacations, talking about marriage.
Escaping Hell
I had always wondered what the descent into hell is like. For the record, it was nothing like I had imagined. The drop was unknowing. It was innocent and comforting. I felt understood. The initial plunge into Satan’s lair was my first conversation with Frank.
Illiterate Dick
"Hey Laura. I have to be honest, I recognize you from the Chicago Storytellers Facebook group. I'm Aaron. It's nice to meet you," The message read.
First of all my name is Lauren, I thought you said you recognized me, and second of all I am done dating storytellers and/or comedians. They are disasters.
I replied politely. "Hi Aaron. Actually it's Lauren not Laura. Thanks for reaching out."
This chat message was the start of a half-assed romance that lasted the hottest months of 2016.
You Aren’t Harvey Weinstein So Calm Down
On the heels of the not so surprising news that a mega-wealthy, older, white, Hollywood power broker turned out to be a serial sexual harasser there are now articles and statuses and tweets going around that other men are now afraid to meet with women because they might then be accused of the same.
Calm down, already.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.