Required Watching: Minding The Gap (2018)
What Liu has captured really well are the moments of vivid and candid self-awareness they have when they address it, specifically with Zack and his girlfriend, Nina, discussing their cycle of domestic violence, and how it could affect their child. And as trapped as they are, the movie shows this as a result of not just their circumstances, but how they understand and navigate them day to day.
Required Watching: "Tabloid" (2010)
In 1977, former Miss Wyoming, Joyce McKinney, met a young Mormon named Kirk Anderson in Utah and she fell in love. According to her the two had a classic meet-cute while driving. Within days they were ready to run away together. But, suddenly, he disappeared, off on his mission trip to England.
Required Watching: "The Galapagos Affair: Satan Comes To Eden"
The movie is a template of what makes a good historical documentary. The filmmakers were fortunate enough that all the settlers brought film and journals. All of whom at some points get very candid with their entries.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.