Bars vs. Bullets—Elizabeth Goes to the Theater
Maybe a spoof called “The Choir of Non-Binary, Fluid, Ambiguous, and Polymorphously Adventurous”?
I Got My Mother Stoned and Now She is Gone
We sent her down to the front side walk, which was a little tricky to get to, I admit. We were hoping for pictures of all the birthday party attendees wrapped around and hanging off the railings. It took her a very long time to hit bottom. She kept stopping and yelling “Am I there yet?”
Facebook is Making Me Depressed
Facebook is making me so depressed
I don't know if I can write this poem.
Nostalgia is like a Mirror of Broken Colored Glass
The vast tapestry of the internet, however, has changed that and while it feels claustrophobic in the present, it also forces our hindsight narratives to be more honest and inclusive.
You are not your real self at work—you’re a character version of yourself with all the edges sanded down.