Ripe for Indoctrination and Thirsty for a Glass of Ice Cold Kool Aid
“Oh, Don. I’m so happy you’re asking. You would be such a powerful witness for Christ.” And she held my hand for a moment that, in my head, was instantly underscored by some awful Christopher Cross song. I was hooked.
White Privilege: Finding Pragmatics Apart from Spiritual Dogma
The automatic response to a white guy rejecting this approach is that it makes me uncomfortable and that I’m fragile. I’m anything but uncomfortable with having conversations. I believe that dialogue rather simply being told to shut up and listen is the key to growth. That said, having a dialogue about sin with a religious zealot is a cul de sac from which there is no escape.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.