If you’re interested in writing for the website, please send a message to don@literateape.com with three samples (they do not have to complete pieces). We will take a look and if your style fits ours, we’ll reach out.
What are we looking for? A point of view. A perspective. A decidedly lack of typos. Just write your stuff. We really want to publish it because you’re one of the obsessive assholes who must write.
We also provide editorial and design support as well as assistance in marketing your printed book for media promotion and sales.
All books under the Literate Ape Press name will be registered with the Library of Congress.
We are wholly committed to the growth of the author as a successful writer, and therefore, Literate Ape Press does not take any share of book sales—all the money earned from sales belongs strictly to the author.
What We’re Interested In
Creative Non-Fiction
Literary Fiction
Short Story Collections
Become a Literate Ape Press Author
Literate Ape Press works directly with the author to edit and design their book. We use Amazon’s publishing service, Kindle Direct Publishing. This is an affordable and effective way to publish hardbound, paperback and ebook versions of the author’s book. It also offers authors a majority percentage of sales to go in their pockets. Physical copies are printed on demand and ship as quickly as any other book published anywhere else, including Amazon Prime, in most instances.
All book sales belong to the author. Literate Ape Press takes no percentage of sales. The percentage split is between the author and Kindle Direct Publishing.
What is Self-Publishing?
Once considered the loser’s way in, self-publishing has become an effective and legitimate way for authors to bring their work to the public without having to wait to be discovered by a traditional publisher or editor, and circumventing the exhausting and potentially fruitless effort of shopping for literary agents.
While there is nothing wrong with taking the long road through traditional publishing (find an agent, hope the book gets sold), self- publishing allows the author to retain complete creative control over their work from design to narrative content and marketing. The immediate drawback to self-publishing is that design, editing, marketing, and miscellaneous publishing costs (printing, shipping, et. al.) are also retained by the author.
What is a Custom Publisher?
A custom publisher splits the difference between what a traditional publisher/editor does and what the author would have to do if they chose to self-publish on their own. A custom publisher provides editing, cover design, marketing, printing, warehousing, and distribution. Literate Ape Press is equipped to provide some of these services directly and assists with finding and managing the execution of those it is not equipped to handle through trusted third parties.
Literate Ape Press exists to help authors get their words into the hands of the world. We collaborate with the author and professional editors, designers, and other third-party experts to publish a complete piece of literature that is professional and attractive, and ideally, leads to a reasonable amount of book sales.
Every book has the potential to be a bestseller and we approach each project with that level of professionalism. However, there is no guarantee that the book, no matter how well written, how well designed, or how well marketed and publicized will sell. This is the risk even the greatest authors at the largest publishing houses face. Literate Ape Press is not a full-blown publishing house. We do not pay authors advances, print or store books.
Make no mistake, Literate Ape Press is not a vanity press—it is not designed to take an author’s money and time and leave the author in the cold. We aim to encourage and inspire the author and are committed to working diligently alongside them to help them achieve their literary goals. In turn, we hope to be encouraged and inspired, too.
Literate Ape Press, Inc. makes no claim to any intellectual property rights, as all these rights and ownership remains solely with the author.
Literate Ape Press charges for the services it provides. Third party costs are those of the third party alone. Literate Ape Press makes no claim to any sales (paperback, ebook, audio book). These are strictly the author’s gain. All costs are based on market scale and the experience of those providing such services.
Interested in learning more about how we can help you publish your story?
Contact Don Hall | don@literateape.com
Go to the Literate Ape Press Bookshelf to see all of our titles.