I Believe... [Shifting Demographics]
...that when piranha smell blood in the water, even paper cuts will doom you.
...that I attended a White Lives Matter rally last week. Well, it was actually just brunch in Evanston and there weren’t any signs or anything but you see my point...
...that Bladerunner 2049 is a damn good follow-up to one of my favorite films of all time. While Bladerunner was like Touch of Evil in a dystopian future, Bladerunner 2049 is like Chinatown in spirit. And given that I’m an old, white guy, I’m apparently the target demographic.
Even Gosling is subject to the musical tastes of old, white guys...
...that while my old white guyness places me firmly in a specific demographic for film, my love for Apple products puts me right in the middle of 82% of American teens. Which means I’m like a demographic chameleon!
...that the grotesquery of Harvey Weinstein toward scores of women is not an excuse for you to call out your lying, cheating ex.