The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - Resist Leftist Insanity!
I call this my sign from God.
by Joe Janes
Resist Leftist Insanity!
In Attendance: Jeffrey Beauregard McClintock, My Cigar, My Chew, My Dog Hussie, Erleen’s old rocker
Minutes Taken by Me,
Jeffrey Beauregard McClintock
Meeting: 6:30am, my front porch,
somewhere in South Carolina
- The leftist bleeding whiners want to take over our country with governmental control that weakens the American people by taking away their God-Given guns and giving them all free healthcare. How’s a doctor supposed to make a living? We have the greatest healthcare system in the world, or did have, until ObamaDON’TCare.
- We want to make America great again. The leftist momma boys and momma girls and momma boygirls won’t be happy unil we’re all wearing diapers and Uncle Sam wipes everybody’s bung hole with taxpayer dimes.
- Want to change the minds of the leftists? Talking don’t help. Their mouths are wide open and their ears are wide shut. But they do look with their eyes. The best way to reach them is to put up a sign! One they’ll see every day as they drive by your house in their Priuses on their way to their jobs at Whole Fools. My big sign has a three tonged message…
- BEWARE THE OPPRESSORS! – Resist the leftist insanity or accept ye oppressors. The left wants to oppress everyone. They want everyone to be treated equally and that just ain’t fair. Just ask the former Mrs. Jeffrey Beauregard McClintock. She knew her place. I was the man in the relationship. For thirty years I made all the decisions. She was of the fairer sex and acted accordingly. God I miss her. The tide must have swept her away that day we went to the beach. She said she was going to go dip her toes in while I took a snooze in the lounger after sipping the white russian she brought me. Didn’t even hear no screams. She was just gone. Good woman, that Erleen. Good woman.
- WITNESS VENEZUELA! – There’s a country led by “progressive” leftists that went straight into the shitter. Their government was run by a corrupt group of criminals that didn’t care about the common man and just wanted to loot the pockets of the people. We keep electing demoNcrats to office, and the same damn thing is going to happen to us. Keep the smart people in charge. The people who know how to run a business and got themselves rich. People who know we don’t need no government to tell banks and coal mines how to run their businesses. They know how to make other people richer. I get more money in my pocket each paycheck thanks to President Donald John Trump. Money that otherwise would have gone to some welfare queen or homeless beggar or someone needing medicine or an education. It’s my money, it belongs in my pocket!
- READ ORWELL’S 1984! – Seriously, people, read it! Or get the audio cassettes. Or watch a video of it. It’s about a government, BIG BROTHER, who gives everybody a job and tries to make everybody happy. It don’t work! Surpirse, surprise!
- I see a car parked across the street. Might be one of those hippy shits come to steal my confederate flag. Hussie! Hussie! Go fetch me my rifle. The one near my bed. The one on my side, not the one I keep on Erleen’s side in her honor. Get along. Good girl.
- What else do I recommend? Get yourself a good dog. One that doesn’t pee on your stuff or dig up your flower bed. Smoke and/or chew some tobacco so you can stay on your toes. Get a gun for every room in your house and for the roof. You never know when the military’s going to come a-knocking and try to take them away.
- People, I tell you, some days it sure seems hopeless. But it is not. As long as we have God and guns on our side, we can pound some sense into them abortion loving snowflakes. Hussie! Hurry up and get down here with my gun! Hussie! Is that you on the stairs? Don’t drag the gun!
- People. Let me tell you something important. While you must always have your gun loaded and handy, do keep the safety on. Poor Hussie.
A good dog knows how to fetch.