I Believe… [We Need a Purple Wave in Two Years]
…that we had us a bona fide Blue Wave and took back the House like a Boss but the Other Guys increased their hold on the Senate and we now have some serious persuading to do to pull off 2020. Gonna need a Purple Wave to win that one.
…that if you believe being petty is a badge of honor you still haven’t progressed past grade school in your approach to life.
Yes, Your Mom will listen. Your friends will say they do but won’t. Just like improv.
…that it is inevitable that, like improv and stand up comedy and storytelling, the real money in podcasting will be made by teaching others to do it.
…that if you can claim that someone having a bunch of TweetTrolls jump on him isn’t that big of a deal then your argument that words cause genuine harm falls apart or exposes you as a cruel jackass with nothing but vengeance on your plate.
…that you’re a Millennial. Stop with the Xennial, iGen, pre- and post-Millennial bullshit.