I Believe… [No. You Come See MY Show...]

By Don Hall

…that everyone deserves to have their bad behavior, betrayals, and stupid remarks put in the past. Not so much forgiven, but at least compartmentalized in a drawer marked “Unimportant and Due for Disposal.”

…that, while I know that the car doesn’t run better when I do it, getting a car wash after several days of snow and salt just makes it feel like it runs better.

Fighting for Your Right to Party

Fighting for Your Right to Party

…that, given my increasingly low threshold for drinking (I mean, I’m a cheap date and a light weight nowadays), it’s extraordinary to peruse history and wonder how the Founding Fathers (who were drunks on the highest level) managed to get fuckall done let alone write the Constitution.

…that one of my favorite things about going to a show where my wife is singing her rock ‘n’ roll heart out is that everyone tells me how lucky I am she married me. And they’re right. I am.

…that in the wake of goodbyes and farewells associated with leaving Chicago, your request that I come see your show before I leave is just so baldly self-promotional it renders me cold and crunchy.


Be Vulgar


Illiterate Mother