The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Kellyanne and George Conway Eat Dinner
Respect, George. Respect.
The Dining Room, The Conway Residence
Washington, DC
7pm 10/16/19
Attendance: Kellyanne Conway, George Conway
(Kellyanne and George sit across from one another occupying their own end of a long dining table. They eat in silence. They speak to one another without looking up from their plates.)
Kellyanne – How is your steak, George?
George – It’s good. I like it. Nothing can taint my experience of enjoying this steak. How are your steamed vegetables?
Kellyanne – I have absolutely nothing bad to say about them. Vegetables are the best they have ever been in the history of America. They are doing a great job. Everybody says so.
(They continue to eat in silence for a few moments.)
George – How was work?
Kellyanne – Do you want to know what really happened or just believe what you hear from the fake news?
(They continue to eat in silence.)
Kellyanne – I’m thinking of having ice cream for dessert.
George – Vanilla with marshmallows and white chocolate sauce?
Kellyanne – Orange sherbet. Want some?
George – That doesn’t qualify as ice cream.
(They continue to eat in silence.)
George – Are you going to go to jail?
Kellyanne – It’s a total witch hunt.
George – So… yes?
George and Kellyanne in happier times.