Chris Churchill Saves the World | Green
By Chris Churchill
Green is the color.
I’ve got no use for yellow most days. And, to be honest, orange generally repels me. I’ll walk away from a carrot unconsciously.
Red is great. It’s my favorite some days. Other days blue. Other days purple. But I know those colors don’t win. I know they don’t do the heavy lifting in this life as I currently know it.
I mean, look: red and blue are enemies politically even though they share a flag. One state, two states. Red states, blue states. Purple states exist but you can’t rhyme purple with much. (Sure, adolescent boys strive for “nurple” but that’s not a real word.) I’m trying to coin the word “burple,” which describes the small burps that no one else hears but that you feel in your chest.
But above red and blue is green. We know money is the real winner these days. Money is the motivator for the vast, secret powers that divide the masses. Green is above red and blue but green hides behind red and blue and divides purple into red and blue. It doesn’t make sense if you’re a painter, but Bob Ross could make miracles out of the happy accident I just defined in this paragraph.
But green isn’t just representative of all that is destroying us. It’s also representative of the many many things that are real and worthy of protection on this earth. The grass, trees, moss, seaweed, algae, and the oceans themselves depending on the angle of the sun and the cloud cover, I guess.
I saw a video of a field of barley blowing in the wind. It looked like ocean waves. It was beautiful. Just to watch. To experience for what it was. Just nature showing off. Or, rather, nature doing what it does and we, the humans, the meaning makers, feeling beauty at the contemplation of it.
Deep breaths.
Release of tension and worry for a moment into the ether.
Then the other green thought. Barley. Don’t they make beer with that? How much beer could they squeeze out of that field?
Green, split in two, fighting above our heads, like gods trapped in an eternal sibling rivalry.
Green versus Green
Where is yellow? Serving green. Blue? Serving green. Red? Embodying the anger that drives the conflict between the Green twins.
Green wins. Green twins.
Half empty. Half full.
Green is where it’s at. All of it. And where your mind went when I say, “Green is where it’s at” is where your mind is all the time.