I Believe... [The Quixote Zone]
…that Social Security was never meant to be a tax used to promote the State’s interest but an Earned Retirement Account for all contributing Americans. Anything less than that is blatant theft.
…that I’d be far more likely to listen to activist teenagers with a more open mind if I didn’t actually know teenagers and see them interact with one another and the world. The cognitive dissonance between the quasi-religious speeches of Greta Thunberg and the “Cash Me Outside” teenager on Dr. Phil is difficult to dismiss.
#HerToo, #SheHadtoBoiltheRabbit, #NoGaslightingGlennClose
…that the phrase “Don’t buckle to the loudest chihuahua in the yard” seems remarkably on point these days.
…that we have now entered the Quixote Zone when old men declaring they are knights, reality stars declaring they are presidents, and the very declaration that you are defined by your belief in your own, specific reality contrary to every indicator otherwise is normal.
…that if Fatal Attraction were remade today, the psycho who boils the pet rabbit would be seen as the hero of the story.