My Best Drinking Buddies Have Joined AA

By Elizabeth Harper

My best drinking buddies have joined AA,
given up the bottle, sobered up, gotten on the wagon
without falling off.

No more black-out drunk three-ways at 3 a.m.

No more dancing ’til dawn, dancing and falling,

falling down,
falling up the steps,
falling into
each other’s arms, mouths,
flesh melding, becoming one,
lost in hair and eyes and skin,
not knowing where one begins
and the other ends…

Sobriety is the pits

pit of boredom
pit of ennui
pit of existential dread
pit of brown shoes on grey sidewalks
pit of time ticking by
slowly then quickly
pit of plebeian pedestrian concerns
pit of dull hell
pit of aloneness and despair
pit of separateness
pit of loneliness
pit of music that doesn’t make you want to dance
pit of reality is tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
pit of growing older
pit of looking into the mirror as wrinkles appear…

I’ll drink alone.
A dancing princess
with a magic wand
for company.

I’ll dream alone.
I’ll think alone.
I’ll love alone.
I’ll hate alone.
I’ll wait in vain,
hold the space,
keep the faith


What’s an Mp3 Again?


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of November 10, 2019