Bars vs. Bullets—Elizabeth Goes to the Theater
Maybe a spoof called “The Choir of Non-Binary, Fluid, Ambiguous, and Polymorphously Adventurous”?
Content Warnings and Capitalism—Elizabeth Goes to the Theater
Content Warnings and Capitalism—
Elizabeth Goes to the Theater
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 30, 2022
Childhood goes by fast. When you’re a parent, it goes by even faster.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 28, 2022
Has five years of successful therapy taken away the burning need to write?
I’m happy staying at home alone but …
I miss walking over to a neighborhood bar and the bartender recognizes me because I am a regular and have been there lots of times before and they’re happy to see me and we chat a little and I get a drink because sometimes it’s fun to get a drink and talk and laugh…
My Best Drinking Buddies Have Joined AA
My best drinking buddies have joined AA,
given up the bottle, sobered up, gotten on the wagon
without falling off.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 21, 2019
At this point, everything that happens in Stranger Things’ Hawkins, Indiana is just a pretty typical oddity.
Noir Santa Claus
Too Much Fun
Passed out early this morning
with a stranger's (new friend's?)
cum on my face,
after drinking too much whiskey,
talking too much,
staying out until
the wee hours of the morning.
Betty Boop Shaves Her Legs and Hooha for Her Big Date
"Oh, I have to hurry up and get ready for my date with Mr. Wonderful. I just wish he had given me more notice. That would have been more considerate than this boop-oop-a-doop booty call. I have to take a shower and shave my legs and everything down there and clip my nails and fix my hair and put on my stockings and fix my makeup and change the sheets and clean the bathroom and the kitchen and tidy up and put the condoms on the nightstand. Where's the lube?"
Facebook is Making Me Depressed
Facebook is making me so depressed
I don't know if I can write this poem.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.