I Believe… [Chaos Is Less Fun Than Revolution]

By Don Hall

…that there are distinctions between being feminist and misandrist, being anti-racist and anti-white, between equal opportunity and equal outcome. The former seeks unity, the latter counts upon division.

...that NoName quitting music because her audience is mostly white and she isn’t creating music for white people embraces the polemic that white people co-opt the music of black people (true) and ignores the history of white people providing avenues for black artists (also true). That said, it’s a bummer when identity politics obfuscates the music of a terrific artist.

…that the need for society to accommodate and assist those most in need of help comes into direct conflict with the idea that people need to figure out how to survive without a constant stream of assistance. This is a problem that requires both compassion and a requiring of self maintenance. Help your brother out but not indefinitely.

...that if, by cultural definitions, everything is crooked then nothing is crooked because the very concept of crookedness ceases to have meaning.

…that those who seek revolution would be wise to have some sort of vision of what will take the place of the system destroyed. Without that vision, the house burns down and chaos reigns. Sounds good until you have to face chaos.


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